India is among the top five nations for out-of-school children of primary school age, with over 17 million 6 to 11 year olds dropping out of school. Poverty, lack of infrastructure are few reasons.
Aasra provides educational funds, education materials to deserving children so they have an opportunity to avail quality education. Shiksha initiative includes Fee sponsorship, provision of new & old books, educational kits such as geometry boxes, school bags, lunchbox etc.
In addition, we enable Schools by helping them improve infrastructure, building libraries, provisioning sports equipment, used computers etc. so children have access to regular as well as moral, motivational, entertainment education for overall character building.

More than two million children die every year from preventable infections. This could be avoided if they have access to basic sanitation and medicines.
Raahat, as the name suggests [Relief], is a Relief program that provides children with access to medical, dental & sanitary kit at schools to help prevent or cure common infections and improve basic health & hygiene.
Raahat initiative includes, packaging and distributing first-aid, dental, sanitary & other hygiene kits to schools in need of these. And we just don't stop there. We ensure the kits are regularly replenished leaving kids safe and secure all the time and not just that one time.

Poverty is a tough situation but that doesn't mean kids lose their chance to celebrate life, have good memories to cherish, gifts to share, new friends to make, festivals to celebrate.
Diya initiative creates an opportunity for all children - rich or poor , privileged or under privileged to get together during Diwali and spread the festival joy by exchanging gifts. Children get to exchange hand painted earthen Diyas for simple but much needed gifts (like stationery kits, dental kits, sweets etc).
The impact of this activity is amazing. While a set of children receive basic necessities as gifts along with this amazing festive feeling and memory of being treaty well; the other set of children receive a social message of using environment friendly lamps and this happy feeling of helping a friend in need.